Crystal Prospect
© 2014-2025 Crystal Prospect - All Rights Reserved. All images, photographs, text and content on this website are the property of Crystal Prospect and cannot be reproduced without our written consent.
▲ Abandoned adit. Andover Iron Mine, Andover Township, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA
Useful and interesting sites: - general information on minerals
shmm - list of responses specific to Franklin and Sterling Hill fluorescent species
fluomin - general list of luminescent minerals and what makes them light up under UV
Member of the Lancaster County Fossil and Mineral Club ,
Pennsylvania Earth Sciences Association and MinDat community.
Find us on eBay at mineral*cat
We are field collectors with a combined experience of 50+ years. In our hunts for old, forgotten sites we enjoy not only the thrill of discovery, but also the history of the places and people who made them possible. We specialize in fluorescent minerals for sale. We offer quality metallic, rare, classic, old time and unusual specimens for purchase. Some of the items we offer come from old collections, some are self collected. On our sites you will find localities not represented elsewhere. We hope to share our joy of mineral collecting and knowledge with you.
Stuart and Anna
▲ Meow!