Crystal Prospect

Fluorescent CALCITE with Chamosite - Göscheneralp, Uri, Switzerland

Red SW and LW fluorescing Calcite crystals with Chamosite-Clinochlore on the "base" and minor amounts included in the crystals.

This specimen is featured on mindat, minID: FJ4-73C

ex E.G. Tribbey #92, ex David E. Ellis #DE5772, ex Dan Weinrich Fine Minerals

from Kwg, Göscheneralp, Göschenen Valley, Uri, Switzerland

Measures approximately 2 x 2 x 1 inch, 2.78 oz / 51 x 51 x 25 mm, 79g

Price: 400.00 USD

Item # A0121214      

To show the fluorescent response the specimen was illuminated using 6 watt 254nm (Short Wave) / 366nm (Long Wave) UVGL-58 lamp (you need a proper UV light source to observe the fluorescence, more powerful lamp = brighter response).

fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Goscheneralp Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Goscheneralp Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Goscheneralp Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Goscheneralp Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Goscheneralp Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Goscheneralp Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Goscheneralp Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Uri Switzerland
fluorescent CALCITE Chamosite clinochlore Goscheneralp Uri Switzerland