Crystal Prospect

MAGNETITE crystals with ORTHOCLASE, AMPHIBOLE BYSSOLITE, QUARTZ - Hopewell Mines, Warwick (Saint Marys), Warwick Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA - for sale
MAGNETITE crystals with ORTHOCLASE, AMPHIBOLE BYSSOLITE, QUARTZ - Hopewell Mines, Warwick (Saint Marys), Warwick Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA

MAGNETITE crystals with ORTHOCLASE - Hopewell Mines, Warwick, Pennsylvania, USA

Black Magnetite octahedral crystals, green Amphibole "Byssolite", cream-white Orthoclase and clear Quartz tiny crystals lining a cavity in the massive Magnetite.

from the historic Hopewell Mines, Warwick (Saint Marys), Warwick Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA

the mines are abandoned, collecting at locality is prohibited

Measures approximately 3.5 x 2 x 1.5 inch, 11.14 oz / 89 x 51 x 38 mm, 316g

this specimen is featured on mindat, minID: VH0-A5X

Price: 80.00 USD

Item # A0491214          

MAGNETITE crystals with ORTHOCLASE, AMPHIBOLE BYSSOLITE, QUARTZ - Hopewell Mines, Warwick (Saint Marys), Warwick Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA
MAGNETITE crystals with ORTHOCLASE, AMPHIBOLE BYSSOLITE, QUARTZ - Hopewell Mines, Warwick (Saint Marys), Warwick Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA
MAGNETITE crystals with ORTHOCLASE, AMPHIBOLE BYSSOLITE, QUARTZ - Hopewell Mines, Warwick (Saint Marys), Warwick Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA
MAGNETITE crystals with ORTHOCLASE, AMPHIBOLE BYSSOLITE, QUARTZ - Hopewell Mines, Warwick (Saint Marys), Warwick Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA
MAGNETITE crystals with ORTHOCLASE, AMPHIBOLE BYSSOLITE, QUARTZ - Hopewell Mines, Warwick (Saint Marys), Warwick Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA