fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA
fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA
fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA
fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA

Crystal Prospect

fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA
fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA
fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA

fluorescent FLUORITE - closed locality - Clay Center, Ohio, USA

Brown Fluorite with Calcite micros on dolostone matrix, fluoresces in shades of white under LW and SW UV, with short lived phosphorescence – an uncommon phenomenon in Fluorite.

from Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA - now closed to collecting

Measures approximately 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.75 inch, 1.89 oz / 38 x 38 x 19 mm, 54g

Item # A0510115


To show the fluorescent response the specimen was illuminated using 6 watt 254nm (Short Wave) / 366nm (Long Wave) UVGL-58 lamp (you need a proper UV light source to observe the fluorescence, more powerful lamp = brighter response).

fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA
fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA
fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA
fluorescent FLUORITE, Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA