Crystal Prospect
fluorescent WITHERITE crystals - Minerva No 1, Cave-in-Rock, Hardin County, Illinois, USA
Witherite crystals in association with Calcite, violet and blue (a rare color for the locality) Fluorite, and traces of orange Sphalerite in matrix. Witherite fluoresces bright cream-white under SW and LW UV, Fluorite fluoresces blue LW.
Minerva has produced world class Witherite specimens
ex Dr Howard Heitner
Measures approximately 3.5 x 2.5 x 2 inch, 1 lb 2.34 oz / 89 x 63 x 51 mm, 520g
this specimen is featured on mindat, minID: XKA-911
Item # A0561214
personal collection
To show the fluorescent response the specimen was illuminated using 6 watt 254nm (Short Wave) / 366nm (Long Wave) UVGL-58 lamp (you need a proper UV light source to observe the fluorescence, more powerful lamp = brighter response).