fluorescing WILLEMITE - Empire State #4 Mine, Balmat, New York, USA

Green SW fluorescing Willemite scattered in matrix with red Hematite staining.

from a rare occurrence at Empire State No. 4 Mine (ZCA No. 4 Mine; St. Joe No. 4 Mine; St. Lawrence Zinc No. 4 Mine; Balmat Mine; No. 4 shaft; ESM #4), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA

Measures approximately 1.5 x 1 x 1 inch, 1.34 oz / 38 x 25 x 25 mm, 38g

this specimen is featured on mindat, minID: K6M-094

Price: 16.00 USD

Item # A0890114

To show the fluorescent response the specimen was illuminated using 6 watt 254nm (Short Wave) / 366nm (Long Wave) UVGL-58 lamp (you need a proper UV light source to observe the fluorescence, more powerful lamp = brighter response).

fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello

Crystal Prospect

fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello - for sale
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S. M. Cantiello - for sale
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello
fluorescing WILLEMITE - ZCA #4 Mine (St. Joe Mine), Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - ex S.M.Cantiello