Crystal Prospect

fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE - Red River floodway, Manitoba, Canada

Selenite Gypsum crystals, fluorescent white SW and LW, with short lived phosphorescence after UV irradiation.

from Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Measures approximately 2 x 2 x 1 inch, 3.66 oz / 51 x 51 x 25 mm, 104g

Item # A1041018#9


To show the fluorescent response the specimen was illuminated using 6 watt 254nm (Short Wave) / 366nm (Long Wave) UVGL-58 lamp (you need a proper UV light source to observe the fluorescence, more powerful lamp = brighter response).

fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
fluorescent phosphorescent GYPSUM SELENITE, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada