Crystal Prospect
Figure 50 ▼
Chabazite over prehnite on diabase matrix. This small specimen (22 mm long) came from a larger rock where the chabazite was located next to many well-formed stilbite crystals. There are micro laumontite crystals on the prehnite just underneath the chabazite. A grayish-black metallic mineral, possibly aikinite, bornite, or galena, sits next to the chabazite on the prehnite. Ref #18099
Many times, as with the Laumontite in figure 11, one type of zeolite can occur in veins. The above-pictured specimen is colorless stilbite crystals, which occurs mainly as micro crystals and thin veins in the diabase matrix.
▼ Figure 51
Figure 46 ▲
Calcite with stellerite coating on diabase. The calcite in this specimen is white and spherical, with dogtooth points starting to project from the spherical masses. The calcite sits on top of a diabase matrix coated with druzzy stellerite crystals. The diabase matrix is iron stained similarly to that of the diabase in Figures 4, 5, and 33.
Club Trip June 2016 :
▲ Figure 49
▼ Figure 44
More pictures of the quarry :
▼ Figure 48
Club trip December 1, 2018 :
▲ Figure 45
Figure 47 ▲
Vulcan Materials Co. Crushed Stone Quarry
Figure 52 ▼
Quartz, calcite, and datolite vein in diabase. The primary crystalline mineral was determined to be quartz after observing crystal faces that are consistent with this mineral. The uneven fracture and vitreous luster are also consistent with quartz. White cleaved faces indicate the presence of calcite. A piece was put into acid, which dissolved pockets of calcite. The green colored mineral is suspected to be datolite. The mineral does not have the typical crystal structure of prehnite when fractured, and inclusions are not apparent. The fracture most closely resembles that of quartz. Ref #18101
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Golden chalcopyrite turning to iridescent bornite, fibrous radial aggregates of white laumontite/leonhardite in shallow cavities, black and green chlorite coatings, pink plagioclase feldspar crystals, unknown colorless and milky slender crystals with chalcopyrite/bornite.