GOETHITE glass head - Oregon Ore Banks (Oregon Iron Mine), Oregon Ridge Park, Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA - ex Octahedron

GOETHITE - Oregon Ridge, Maryland, USA

Black Goethite "glass head" showing radial form on the side.

from Oregon Ore Banks (Oregon Iron Mine), Oregon Ridge Park, Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA

ex "Octahedron"

Rich in history and mining in 19 century, the locality is now closed to collecting - it is a Nature Park

Measures approximately 2.5 x 2 x 1.5 inch, 8.35 oz / 63 x 51 x 38 mm, 237g

this specimen is featured on mindat, minID: R9G-LKD

Price: 80.00 USD

Item # A0010619  

GOETHITE glass head - Oregon Ore Banks (Oregon Iron Mine), Oregon Ridge Park, Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA - ex Octahedron
GOETHITE glass head - Oregon Ore Banks (Oregon Iron Mine), Oregon Ridge Park, Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA - ex Octahedron
GOETHITE glass head - Oregon Ore Banks (Oregon Iron Mine), Oregon Ridge Park, Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA - ex Octahedron - for sale

Crystal Prospect

GOETHITE glass head - Oregon Ore Banks (Oregon Iron Mine), Oregon Ridge Park, Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA - ex Octahedron