Crystal Prospect
rare VILLIAUMITE and fluorescent SODALITE - Kvanefjeld, Ilimaussaq, Greenland - ex Paul Lazar
Dark red Villiaumite with short thin dark Aegirine crystals and orange LW / weak red SW fluorescing Sodalite.
There is a very small amount of very tiny, glassy yellow unidentified mineral scattered on this specimen (Eudialyte/Vuonnemite?).
Villiaumite is a rare mineral (very rare at the locality), noted from only about 40 localities worldwide.
ex Paul Lazar (1937-2004), #5133
from the long closed Kvanefjeld adit, Kvanefjeld Uranium deposit, Kuannersuit plateau (Kvanefjeld), Ilimaussaq complex, Narsaq, Kujalleq (Kitaa Province - West Greenland), Greenland, Denmark
Measures approximately 2.25 x 1.5 x 1 inch, 3.28 oz / 57 x 38 x 25 mm, 93g
this specimen is featured on mindat, minID: ARC-HF3
Price: 300.00 USD
Item # A1050214
To show the fluorescent response the specimen was illuminated using 6 watt 254nm (Short Wave) / 366nm (Long Wave) UVGL-58 lamp (you need a proper UV light source to observe the fluorescence, more powerful lamp = brighter response).